Sending money over a secured browser like Kaspersky Safe Money is not unreasonably paranoid. Many users buy online with barely a second thought, but payment transactions on popular web browsers do get targeted for cybercrime. Safe Money also checks the security of your connection and scans your PC environment for threats that could imperil the transaction. It automatically checks the payment page against Kaspersky’s constantly-updated “trusted site” list. This browser is more secure than your average browser. It does this by launching a separate web browser for the transactions to take place.

Safe moneyĪ premium feature of Kaspersky Internet Security and Kaspersky Total Security, Safe Money makes it easy to protect your identity and secure sensitive information when making an online payment. Note that Kaspersky malware protection only applies to threats to Windows, which is why the base level of Kaspersky Anti-Virus only offers protection to computers running Windows. Only Trend Micro had a similarly perfect record, while top products like Norton and Microsoft allowed a few pieces of malware to be installed before neutralizing them. SE Labs in London confirmed that this 100% record resulted from blocking the malware from being installed, rather than dismantling it once it had been installed. It performed extremely well, capturing 100% of zero-day malware and 100% of widespread malware, with fewer false positives than closest competitor Norton. Kaspersky’s malware scanner has been tested as recently as fall of 2020 by major testing labs. In that case, this should be among your considerations when choosing your subscription plan. So, suppose you have a large family or use multiple devices. There's also the question of the maximum number of devices that you can install the software on. This means that it could range from basic virus and malware protection to an extensive suite with many additional tools. As with any paid service, the actual set of available features will heavily depend on the pricing plan you'll pick up. Kaspersky has successfully made it to our list of the Best antivirus software in 2021. Visit Kaspersky to learn more about the features Kaspersky security features Unremarkable features in higher-priced plans.